Four signs that it’s time for a new job


There probably aren’t many people who jump out of bed every day looking forward to a day at work, and most people feel pretty vanilla about their job. However, if you start to experience any of the following, it might be time for a change of employment.

You hate Mondays

If you get that horrible sinking feeling on a Sunday night, as you realise the weekend is over and a new work week is about to begin, it may be time for a change.

The thought of a new job excites you

If the thought of a new job excites you, with new colleagues, students and facilities, this could signify that a new job is just what you need.

Your workplace is toxic

This is a big red flag. If your workplace has become toxic and you are unable to change it, then it is definitely a sign that you need a change of job.

You’re not challenged anymore

If you feel like you’re just going through the motions, you may want to find a more challenging role. Research suggests that people are happiest when they are ‘stretched’, not ‘stressed’, and as we spend a large amount of our time at work, being stretched at work can contribute to our overall happiness.

If you’re now thinking you would like a role change within education, get in touch today - call 0203 011 0044 to hear about the latest roles in your area.