How to deal with resitting exams

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Exam season has changed dramatically during the pandemic and these changes can add to the stress of potentially having to re-sit an exam. Failing or narrowly missing out on the grades you wanted for exams can feel devastating, but it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. There may be many reasons why you didn’t quite achieve the result you were hoping for, but don’t let it get you down and certainly don’t let it stop you from trying again.

You always have options; the key is to do some research and find out what’s available to you. Talk things through with a family member, a friend or a maybe teacher who knows you well. This should help you put things into perspective, and it might also help you to come up with some alternative ideas for your future, which you may not have considered initially.

Believe it or not, resitting can be a positive experience! It demonstrates that you’re seriously committed to achieving your goals and are willing to work hard to get the results you want. Put in the hard work and you can still achieve the results you need.

You can help boost your confidence by making sure you’re as prepared as you can be. Take a look at the tips below to help you smash your re-sits:

1.       Find a place for revision that will allow you to concentrate. Get rid of all those distractions, make sure your space is comfortable and allows you to have all your study notes to hand.

2.       Plan out your revision – you might find a study planner or study apps useful. Organise your study according to your schedule of exams. This will help you allocate the right amount of time for each exam.

3.       Use past papers to get exam-ready. Past papers give you a real feel for the type, format and time needed to answer questions on the paper.

4.       Remember to reward yourself for all your hard work! Take regular breaks to help with retention of knowledge; if you try to study for hours on end this could be counter-productive. Instead, find a routine that really works for you.

So, if you do find yourself in the position of having to re-sit an exam, give it all you’ve got!

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it." —Maya Angelou